01 October 2019
Middle Europe in the 16th century symbolizes the battle for the thrones of Czech and Hungary kingdoms between Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor [Ferdinand I Habsburg] and John Zápolya.  Many
01 October 2019
Wearing quilted jackets, trousers and shoes, and fur hats with earflaps,  armed with bows and various types of white weapons the Mongols  reached Eastern Europe on horseback. This is about
01 October 2019
The turn of the 15th and 16th centuries in the Central and Eastern Europe is – among others – a symbol of the alliance concluded between the Polish Jagiellonian Dynasty
01 October 2019
Even though many centuries passed since Elizabeth Bathory ‘s death, her story remains a sensation and controversy. Many legends and stories have been told about her brutal acts. According to

Slovakia is famous for the beauty of the unspoilt and wild nature of the Tatras region, while its numerous castles remain the symbols of the Kingdom of Hungary. In 2019, we’re beginning a new series called ‘The tales of Wag valley”, which gathers stories about inhabitants and the owners of the castles located alongside the Wag river. Our tale will start with the story of extraordinarily brutal lady, called Eżbieta Batory, who lived in the Čachtice Castle. Then we will learn about a legend of ‘The  Trenčín Castle and the Well of Love’. We will also visit Vrsatec and Považská Bystrica, where in the 15th century, the house of Podmanickov were pillaging merchants’ caravans. We will learn about picturesque location of the Castle in Súľovské skaly and finally our journey will end in Bytčica, where the trial of ‘the Bloody Countess’, Elzbieta Batory took place.

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