PhD Jaroslav Ušiak
- Associate Professor in International Relations
- Vice-Dean for International and Public Relations
- Editor in Chief of Scientific Journal Politické vedy/Political Sciences
Specializations: Political and sociological interpretation of the term political culture, the position of the state and new dimensions of security at the beginning of the 21st century
- Vice-Rector for Research, Quality and Development; Associate Professor at Dept. of Political Science and Humanities, Metropolitan University Prague
Specializations: Research Methodology in Political Science; Contemporary comparative politics; Development and changes in statehood; Seminary for the doctoral students (Political Science); Modern State; Region Central Europe; Visegrád Group and Central European Cooperation; Political Extremism and Radicalism; Czechoslovak and Czech Foreign Policy; Europe of Regions; Europe as a region
Prof. dr András Inotai
- Former General Director of the Institute for World Economics
- Former Head of the Strategic Task Force on Integration into the European Union
- Visiting Professor, ZEI, Master Course, Bonn
Specializations: selected issues of globalization,China’s role in international economy, as well as the EU enlargement to Central and EasternEurope and reforms in the Hungarian economic policy in regional comparison. He publishedmore than 400 articles in different professional and scientific reviews in Hungary, Austria,Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Mexico. Professor Dr. Inotai ismember in different international Scientific Advisory Boards and holds membership in severaleditorial boards of international professional journals.
- Chief Advisor, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Research Professor, Széchenyi István University
Specializations: Central Asia, Caucasus, International Agricultural Economics, Economics of Natural Resources, Trade Policy
György Odze
- Freelance journalist, editor, publishing in several Hungarian dailies and periodicals about Hungarian diplomacy and Hungary-EU relations
- Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Hungary in HelsinkiSpecial task: Hungarian EU-presidency 2011
- Head of Section, Press Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs where I was responsible for the communication strategy of Hungarian membership to the EU,
PhD. Andrea Éltető
- Senior research fellow, director of Research Group on European Integration, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Leader of the project: NKFIH - OTKA no. 115578 „Factors influencing export performance – a comparison of three European regions”
Specializations: Economic development of Spain and Portugal in the European Community, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Trade in the Visegrad countries
doc. dr hab. Marek Syrný
- Associate Professor at the Matej Bel University
- Historian at the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising in Banská Bystrica
- Editor-in-chief of the magazine Vojnová kronika (War chronicle)
Specializations: Slovak history in 1918-1948, focusing on civil-democratic resistance (1939-1944) and post-war political history (1945-1948), 3 scientific monographs (Slovak democrats 1944-1948; Slovak communist 1939-1944; Gustáv Husák 1945-1951), 2 editions of historical documents (Situation report on Slovak regions 1944-1945; Speeches of Jozef Lettrich 1945-1948), 1 university textbook (Slovak history in the 1th half of 20th century), 20 editorial and compilation works (Slovak, Central Europe or general history in 1938-1948), over 100 scientific studies, respectively chapters in scientific monographs; more than 250 citations (70 foreign)
dr hab. Dániel Kuttor
- Associate Professor at the University of Miskolc
dr hab. Krzysztof Kania, prof. UMK
- Winner of the competition of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the best publication on the history of Polish diplomacy published in 2014
- A multiple-time grantee of the Lanckoroński Foundation, the Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation or the Polonia Aid Foundation Trust
- Author or co-author of several books including editors and co-editorship of more than fifty articles and scientific reviews
Specializations: Polish Diplomatic Documents 1932, recent history of Poland and common history, history of diplomacy. Currently, he is working on a full monographic study of the life and work of August Zaleski (1883-1972) - an independence activist, diplomat, MP in Rome, Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Republic of Poland in exile.
prof. dr hab. Sergiusz Michalski
- Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Literature and Humanities
- Member of Polish Academy of Sciences and Art
- Member of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen
Specializations: art history, 20th century art, art history of the Visegrad Group countries
mgr Michał Rozenberg
- Employee of the Institute of Western and Southern Slavic Studies at the University of Warsaw
Specializations: contemporary socio-political life of Slovakia and cultural institutions
dr hab. Robert Alberski
- Director of the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Wrocław
- Head of the Department of Political and Administrative Systems at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Wrocław
- Editor-in-chief of the "Wroclaw Political Studies" magazine
- Thematic editor of the magazine "Political Preferences"
Specializations: contemporary political systems, ominous problems of electoral systems and behavior, political marketing and local authority
dr Mirosław Natanek
- Assistant professor at the Department of European History of the Jagiellonian University
- Founding member of the Polish Society for European Studies
- Member of the Council of the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University
Specializations: history of European integration, history of international relations in Europe after World War II, the role of local governments in the continent's integration process, regional cooperation structures of European countries
dr hab. Krzysztof Koźbiał, prof. UJ
- Assistant professor at the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University
- Co-editor of the Central Europe publishing series - Central Europe
- Member of the Polish-Czech Scientific Society
- Member of the Polish Society of Political Sciences
- Member of the Main Board of the Polish Society for European Studies
Specializations: Central and Eastern Europe, internal and external policy of Central European countries, political systems, national minorities
dr hab. Adam Perłakowski, prof. UJ
- Employee of the Modern Polish History Department
Specializations: relations of the Commonwealth with the Kingdom of Hungary, political history of the Polish-Saxon Union, the role of the Dresden court in contacts with the Republic of Poland, economic problems of the Commonwealth in the first half 18th century, editing of the sources of the modern era
dr hab. Piotr M. Majewski
- In the years 2009–2017 deputy director of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk
- In the years 2008 - 2011 was an advisor in the political office of the Prime Minister
Specializations: history of recent history, history of the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia, and Czech-German relations in the 19th and 20th centuries
prof. dr hab. Romuald Turkowski
- Head of the 20th Century History Department of the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw
- Member of the Scientific Council of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Historical Journal of People's Movement
- Member of the Editorial Board of the "Historical Yearbooks" of the Museum of the History of the Polish People's Movement
Specializations: Czechoslovak agrarists, history of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century
dr hab. Bogdan Góralczyk, prof. UW
- Director of the Center for Europe of the University of Warsaw
- Diplomat
- Former head of the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
- In 1991-98 he was at a diplomatic mission in Hungary
Specializations: EU international position and European integration, Hungarian issues and contemporary international relations, in particular globalization and global challenges, China, East and Southeast Asia on the international stage
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