11th European Economic Congress 13th -15th May 2019
The 11th European Economic Congress opened with the inaugural session entitled ‘New Union – young Union: European social challenges and the healthy economy’ in which participated: Iveta Radičová – the prime minister of Slovakia in years 2010-2012, Jadwiga Emilewicz – the Minister of Entrepenuership and Technology, Luca Jahier – the president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Gunther Oettinger – the European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources (video), Konrad Szymański – the Secretary of State for European Affairs.
For the first time, young leaders and European activists were invited to the discussion: Kamil Baran – the president of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) Poland, Julia Grzybowska – Forum for Young Diplomats Association, Patrycja Serafin – chairwoman of the Independent Students’ Association and Maciej Tomecki – The University of Cambridge. Iveta Radičová focused in her speech on the role of citizens and societies in building a new Europe.
She emphasized that in the era of new technologies, raising modern factories and creating new workplaces one must also address restoration of moral values, maturity and responsibility, as ‘if politicians are responsible, then citizens will also be.’
The society and the needs of individuals should be the priority for the rulers, so that people will start to feel the progressive economic development in Europe.
During a panel discussion entitled ‘The logistics between Euope and Asia’ in which participated: Mirosław Antonowicz – a member of the board of PKP SA, Tomasz Grzelak – the president of Hatrans Logistics Krzysztof Niemiec – the vice president of the board of Track Rec SA, Jana Pieriegud – the head of the Department of Research on Infrastructure and Mobility at Warsaw School of Economics, Radosław Pyffel – the proxy of the board of PKP CARGO SA, Frank Schuhholz – the founder of FMS Advisers B.V., Dariusz Sikora – a member of the board for trade and exploitation, PKP Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa Sp. z o.o. (Broad Gauge Metallurgy Line), Czesław Warsewicz – the president of the board of PKP CARGO SA, the extremely important topic of railway infrastructure development between individual European and Asian countries (mainly China) was raised. The topic was considered mainly in the context of the Chinese investment program ‘New Silk Road’.
The Visegrád Group Countries can be the gateway to Europe and become a logistic hub.
More information on the rail transport development can be found in the Jana Pieriegud’s report:
The thematic session ‘Infrastructure investments – from the Baltic to the Carpathians. The cooperation of Central and South European countries’ focused on analyzing the road, rail and air infrastructure development. The key investments are:
1. Via Carpatia – international route connecting Klaipėda (Lithuania) and Thessaloniki (Greece) via the Visegrád Group Countries, Romania, and Bulgaria.
2. Via Baltica – expressway connecting Poland with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It is a project that needs to be modernized and it will be financially supported thanks to subsidies from the European Union
3. Amber Rail Corridor – infrastructure of freight connections between the Visegrad Group Countries and Slovenia. This initiative is also of great importance to Poland in the context of the Chinese initiative of the ‘New Silk Road’ and may contribute to the development of freight transport services in the country.
4. The development of Polish airlines - the development of LOT's base in Budapest (Hungary) and new air connections: Budapest - New York and Chicago
In the session participated: Andrzej Adamczyk – the Minister of Infrastructure (Poland), Jerzy Kwieciński – the Minister of Investment and Development (Poland), Talis Linkaits – the Minister of Transport (Latvia), Rokas Masiulis – the Minister of Transport and Communication (Lithuania), Petra Ponevacs-Pana – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary), Tomasz Żuchowski – the acting director of the General Directorate for National Roads and Highways
In the 11th edition of the European Economic Congress, over 12.5 thousand members and 1,000 lecturers participated, over 120 thematic sessions were organized, thus it’s the biggest business event in Central Europe organized in Poland.
Visegrad Group Countries were discussed mainly in the context of intra-European infrastructure as well as in the preparation and development of railway routes related to the Chinese initiative of the ‘New Silk Road’. As part of the European Start-up Days, Polish and Hungarian innovative companies presented their products to the assembled participants.
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