24 July 2023
  "Above-standard mutual V4 cooperation is also set up in the field of official statistics, through the cooperation of national statistical offices. Experts have been communicating with each other since 1991, sharing experiences, supporting joint projects, solving problematic issues and challenges. Common topics within statistical areas are also formally reflected in
04 June 2020
In this paper I describe some characteristics of the foreign trade of two European semi-peripheric regions: the Iberian countries (Spain and Portugal) and the Visegrád countries (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary). Based on the developments in the past decade, some conclusions can be drawn for the coronavirus crisis-effects. Visegrád countries
09 December 2019
On December 7 2019, a meeting was held to celebrate the first anniversary of Visegrad coetus! Together, we celebrated this unique and extremely important event for us in a nice, friendly atmosphere, full of interesting conversations about the future of Visegrad coetus and the Visegrad Group countries.
26 November 2019
On October 30  2019, the Visegrad coetus Association participated in the debate around the report of prof. Bogdan Góralczyk "The Visegrad Group and the European Union. European policy in the programs of the main political parties in the Visegrad Group".  The discussion touched  on the problems of the internal split
29 October 2019
The poem is available in Polish version
21 October 2019
The article is available in Polish version


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